Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Pictures of the New Mid-Summer 2014 Releases

I recently went to the AG store, so I have pictures from the new release that I wanted to share with you.
(Sorry the order is pretty random.)
The corgi dog. I like the magnetic mouths.
For anyone wondering, the bodies are hard, but you can move the legs.

The pet bath with coconut and the apricot poodle.

The new pajama top.

The back of the karate outfit is cute.

All the pets are adorable!

Kanani is the doll that went with me.

Here you can see the skateboard outfit and the coconut cutie outfit.

Here are two more of the new outfits.

Coconut and the new dalmation.

The camping treats set is cute and comes with a lot.

The karate outfit. (The picture is terrible, but I got this one so a review will be up soon.)

The doll and pet carrier is awesome and gives a lot of space for a doll, pets, clothes, and accessories.

Isabelle's stuff is also awesome!

This is the new store exclusive tee. There is also a purple skirt to match.

And finally, the new doll, #61! She is really pretty and unique.

What do you like from the new release? Please comment down below.
I got three items at AG, so stay tuned for some reviews of them.


  1. Yay! I've been waiting to see pictures of the new releases (that aren't from AG) since they came out =) I really really like #61, despite the slight resemblance of Saige. I plan on buying her and the new PJs as soon as I save up enough money XD can't wait for the reviews!


  2. I really like the dalmatian dog, the backpack, the striped dress, and the pjs. =)

    ~ Mint
